In-line text editor for HTML web pages Project Summary Copyright (c) 2011, OJC Technologies; all rights reserved AUTHOR: Jake Smith SUMMARY: This project is a collection of javascript written for the purpose of editing the contet of a web page from within the web page itself in the simulacrum of a WYSIWYG editor. At the time of writing, it is capable of some editing capacity, facilitating a split-cursor design that will maneuver through the page, and input text (from the keyboard). These modifications are not written to the web page, thus will not be retained upon the reloading of the page, and are instead 'tempoarary' in that sense and present only in the DOM. NOTES: 1) This project is maintained by a Mercurial versioning system (http:// The files are valid on their own. 2) My progress through the project can be traced with rough accuracy through the mercurial log, and in a less sequential manner through the myexamples folders. Due to refactoring, not all examples may function anymore, but this should be inconsequential, as the components of main import (see note 3) assuredly do work as intended. 3) The project stands with two main functioning 'versions': a) in `/myexamples/example08' is an older version where the cursor only operates within a single (Text)Node, and the user must click on the desired element to move it to another. Otherwise, it is slightly more stable. Its javascript is predominantly symlinks to `/javascript_modules'. b) in `/myexamples/example10' is the more recent version, and is distinguished in that it will 'jump' between disparate nodes on its own. It also has further refactoring of some of its code, but much of the base functionality is indistinguishable from the eariler version. 4) Exploration of either version in note 3 beginning at the web page should indicate the structure of the code. For a given event, a click- or key-actor is called to handle the operation appropriately, and delegates to logically- separated modules accordingly. The terminus for this behaviour is in some form of Cursor object, which enacts the activity on the page.