tag (class="debug").
* It displays new elements in the manner of a stack, putting the most
* recent element at the top.
* Each element is placed in its uniquely-numbered
* (e.g.,
), and accepts valid HTML as the
* contents to be printed.
* "printToDebug(content)" is to be the only 'public' method.
var debugBox = null;
var debugCount = 0;
var debugStyle = "background-color:#101010; color:#20d820; padding:10px; border: solid white 2px; margin:20px";
var debugClass = "debug";
var debugInitialInnerHTML = "
Debug Console
function printToDebug(content) {
if (lacksDebug()) {
var entry = document.createElement("div");
entry.setAttribute("class","debugElem" + debugCount);
if (debugBox.lastChild.tagName=="H2") {
} else {
debugBox.insertBefore(entry, debugBox.childNodes[1]);
entry.innerHTML = content;
function lacksDebug() {
if (document.body.lastChild.tagName=="DIV" && document.body.lastChild.className=="debug") {
return false;
return true;
function addDebugConsole() {
debugBox = makeBox();
debugBox.innerHTML = debugInitialInnerHTML;
function makeBox() {
var cons = document.createElement("div");
cons.setAttribute("style", debugStyle);
cons.setAttribute("class", debugClass);
return cons;