Cursory progress log/report Jake Smith In-line web page editor Fri, July 15 2011 As a preamble, this report is late to be generated. While I cannot say it did not cross my mind, my uncertainty as to what to include and desire to begin exploring the technology were enough to prevent my pursuance of writing until now prompted. For much of the first few days of the project, namely July 5th through the 8th (my first Tuesday through Friday), much of my effort was spent towards simply gaining some semblance of understanding of HTML, CSS, and javascript. Throgh this process, I initially created a few simple webpages, experimented with the content and styling in a very simple manner, just using online references (namely, as a guide and a text editor (linux gedit, for want of a better tool). By the second day, I had begun using the Firebug plugin for Firefox as an aid, visually linking content with ideas, which I did find somewhat helpful. I quickly moved on to attempting to include some form of javascript into my pages, which I met with relative success. While not particularly powerful scripts, I managed to include some and gain an understanding for that as well. Through the second week, I delved more into the material of the project, proper. My initial task was (and remains) the issue of introducing a live 'cursor' on the webpage. I spent a lot of time the first couple days pouring over the DOM panel of Firebug, trying to gain a deeper understanding of the DOM, and how the javascript I was wiriting interacted with it. I also looked into JQuery relatively early this week. While obviously powerful and stable across platforms, its usefulness, I have concluded more through attempted use than reference, is limited in this project. Jquery simply tends to operate at a level of abstraction that is too far from the material to be truly useful in many ways. By way of analogy, it is akin to folding origami while wearing three pairs of mittens. That said, JQuery has proven useful as a tool on the side, allowing for the easier building of tests and helper methods; for which, having a rather straightforward and accessible (albeit limiting in some ways) API was very welcome. As I have delved more deeply into the issue of cursor insertion this week, I have run very solidly against the limited debugging options of javascript, as well as the innate problem of the 'sloppiness' of the language with a good IDE or equivalent for ease of legibility. It seems that, in addition to writing functioning code, I have to expend a lot of effort to keep that code from rapidly warping into a tangled morass of muddled program logic. This is especially when trying to make for some kind of debugging and when scaling older code to accomplish something new. (okay, not meaning to rant about the language; I'll stop). With these limitations of the language (javascript) itself on top of having to learn many, very low-level and detailed aspects of web pages and the mechanisms that operate on them, progress on just a single feature-- cursor insertion from a mouse click-- has been excruciatingly slow. What I have managed to accomplish is to insert and remove a unique tag to mark a cursor. This is separate as a small 'module' of javascript, and does (from what I can tell) almost exactly what it should. It preoccupies itself only with the insertion and removal of a cursor, and takes an 'index' (the location within an element of text on the page) and puts the cursor around that. The aspect that has absorbed the better part of three days has been the other side of the issue: translating a user click to a position that can (directly or indirectly) be used by the aforementioned method or one descended from it. Conceptually, its behavior is in place, but translating that idea into functioning behavior has been a slow thing coming, and has yet to be truly acheived. ***abandoning prose; some things looked into: DOM Range objects, native element addition/removal of child nodes, limitations of JQuery, cross-browser concerns, keeping textNode elements as such-- leave string processing out of the javascript as much as possible